Í þessari persónuverndarstefnu eða persónuverndarskilmálum finnur þú upplýsingar um okkur, hvernig við vinnum úr upplýsingum um þig í appinu, í hvaða tilgangi og með hvaða heimild, hvers konar upplýsingar við vinnum um þig, með hverjum við deilum þeim, hversu lengi upplýsingarnar verða geymdar, hver réttur þinn er varðandi vinnsluna, hvaðan upplýsingarnar eru fengnar og hvernig við tryggjum upplýsingarnar. Síðan segjum við þér hvaða kröfur við gerum til þeirra sem vinna með upplýsingarnar þínar, hvernig þú getur afturkallað samþykki þitt fyrir vinnslunni og látið eyða upplýsingum um þig, gildandi lög og úrlausn ágreiningsmála, hvernig þú getur haft samband við okkur og varðandi útgáfustýringu á þessari stefnu.
Við erum sprotafyrirtækið Horseday ehf., Bjarkarheiði 15, 810 Hveragerði. Við berum ábyrgð á vinnslu persónuupplýsinga þinna í þessu forriti. Teymið okkar samanstendur af mjög hæfum hestaáhugamönnum sem eru ákafir í að gjörbylta hestaiðnaðinum. Með yfir 30 ára reynslu innan hesta- og hugbúnaðariðnaðarins erum við spennt að gera besta farsímaforritið fyrir hestaunnendur um allan heim.
How do we process information about you in our app?
In this app we give you the opportunity to record information about you and your horses, their training, riding, grooming, health and more. You can share this information with other users of the app. You can also log in to WorldFeng from within the app and retrieve information from there. Finally, you can choose in the app to receive offers and advertisements in the app or by email from us. You can unsubscribe from such mailing list at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in the emails we send you or by changing the settings in the app.For you to take advantage of the functionality of the app, we need to process personal information about you. We only collect them from you, your device and WorldFeng if you connect to it from the app and only if you agree to these privacy terms. Finally, all events that are listed in SportFengur software are accessible in the app to view and follow. No personal information is, however, stored in our app in connection with this service, that is made accessable in co-operation with the Icelandic Equestrian Association (LH).
What is the purpose of our processing of your information?
We only process personal information about you for the purpose of providing you with the services offered in the app and to maintain the proper function of the app. We ensure that the personal data is in all events adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
With what authority do we process your information?
We base all of our processing of your personal information on your consent, which you can provide by checking the "Accept Terms" box in the app. The processing can also, in someinstances, be necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject.
What types of information do we process about you?
We process the following types of personal information about you:
Contact information, i.e. your name, email address, and phone number (optional). The contact list on your phone so the user can invite contacts directly to its team.
Location information, i.e., information about the location of your device's smart device, such as while riding, but also to inform you if you still need to activate the app on your ride.
Image library on your phone to upload images to horses profile and training sessions. Identity information, i.e. the unique ID of the smart device and its IP number when it contacts us, as well as the username and password for your access to the app, if you create access by email address. You can also choose to create an account using your Facebook or Google account, in which case sharing such login information with those companies falls under the terms set by those companies.
Horse information, i.e. information about the horses you have registered as yours and the other horses you have access to, the riding tours and training in which the horses are registered, photographs related to the horses, riding tours and training.
Usage information, i.e. information about how often and how the app is used, such as what route users use to traverse it and what they click on it.
Analytical information, i.e. information about when your account was created, whether the app crashs, freezes or stops abruptly, how long it takes to boot, and how much power it consumes. Also what type of feature you choose in the application to provide HorseDay with information about your user journey.
Configuration information, i.e., how you have the app configured at any given time, such as whether you want to receive notifications, either in the app or by -mail.
Other personal information: Gender (optional), date of birth (optional), country (optional), description (optional), role (optional), and avatar (also optional).
Who do we share your information with?
We only send information about you to our data processors to provide you with the app's services. We have entered into processing agreements with our data processors in accordance with the prevailing data protection legislation. We reserve the right to change processors, and information on our current data processors is available anytime by contacting us in the manner described below under "Contact us". We process your personal data only within the European Economic Area (EEA) and do not share any information about you with others except based on legal requirements or instructions by competent courts.
For how long will we keep your information?
We will process your information until you request us delete your account with us by contacting using the manner described below under “Contact us”. Upon such deletion, allpersonal information we hold about you will be deleted within three months, except for those on backups, but access to which is restricted. Backups are obsoleted in less than a year. We therefore do not store your information formore than one year after you delete your account with us.
What are your rights regarding the processing?
You have the right to request access to and a copy of your personal information from us, to have it corrected if it is incorrect or misleading, or to delete it if we are no longer authorized to process it. These rights are further described in the Personal Data Act, cf. now Articles 17 and 20 of Act no. 90/2018. According to the latter article of law, you also have the right to transfer your own data or to restrict the data processing on you, provided that further specified conditions are met. You also have the right to object to the processing according to Art. 21 of the Act. In addition, you have the right to complain with the Data Protection Authority regarding the processing. Her office is at Rauðarárstígur 10, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland, and her email address is postur@personuvernd.is
From where do we get your information?
We only process information about you that you or your smart device have provided us with or information we have registered about your app use.
How do we secure the information?
We deploy technical and organizational measures to ensure adequate security of the information taking into account the risks involved in its processing, e.g. where applicable:the pseudonymization and encryption of personal data; the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; andfollow a process of testing and regularly evaluating our safety measures.
What requirements do we make of those who process your information?
We require those that process your information to treat it as securely or more securely than described in these privacy terms.
How can you revoke your consent for the processing and have information about you deleted?
You are not obliged to provide us with any information. The only consequence of you not providing us with information is that the relevant service in the app will either not work properly or not at all.You can delete or deactivate your account with us at any time by contacting us in the manner described below under "Contact us" and requesting that your account be deleted. Access will not be lost just by removing the app from your smart device. If you choose to disable your access, we will store the information but restrict access to it until you reactivate or delete it. When your access has been disabled for two years your information is automatically deleted.
Prevailing laws and conflict resolution
This privacy policy is subject to Icelandic law.If a legal dispute arises in connection with this app, such as with regards to the processing of personal information in it, any and all such dispute shall be submitted to the Reykjavík District Court.
Contact us
You can always contact us at horseday@horseday.com for anything related to the app or the processing of your personal information in connection with the app.
Changes to this policy
We may change these privacy terms from time to time, but we will always request that you review the new version and agree to it before continuing to use the app.
This is version 2.0 of the Privacy Policy, issued first on February 16, 2022.
Updated on February 8th, 2024.